The Journey 3

What’s Up Tribe!

So, I was about go to bed but felt like writing…

Remember I said I would give y’all the back story on why God told me be open when I wrote I want to meet a black guy and I scratched it off? If you haven’t read Journey 2, go back, and read it first.

Here’s where I might go all self-help on you but it’s an important part of the story.

When God told me to be open, that was me having ears to hear. Not to get all religious but having ears to hear, means listening to that small voice inside with the intentions to understand and act. See we are being guided all the time, by God, the Universe, your spirit guides or whatever you want to call it. Some people ignore this voice inside them because maybe they think it’s their own doubts and sometimes maybe it is, but this is why having ears to hear is important so you can be able to decipher from your own voice and doubts from the God voice in you leading to you everything you ask and pray for.

The small voice in your head or heart won’t be a deep voice or something you wouldn’t recognize, it will be you, your voice. It’s up to you to learn how to trust, this how I decided to listen to that voice that told me to open, once I heard the voice inside of me, be open, a rush of other thoughts came with it. Thoughts like “maybe I should be open” “love can come in all forms” “I never know what God has in store for me” “I am ready and open to receive” just like that and the decision to trust was made, I scratched off the word black and that decision lead me to find my fiancé.

Being open to your desires is the most amazing part of your journey. You literally watch your desires play out before your very eyes. There’s nothing like living in it, I’m smiling right now thinking about it. I often reflect on my life and think “wow I manifested this”

There are so many moments where I look back and can see myself daydreaming of being in a better situation, being on the other side of what I was going through, or what I wanted. My message to you is to daydream about your life and the things you want, then be open to being guided towards that. What do you need to do to get there?

 I also watched my clients say they didn’t know what they wanted to running successful business, or getting married, or just feeling better.  Life can be so good, if you can trust the journey!


The Journey 4


The Journey 2